Common Raiding Terminology
Chariot (out)
A Large circular aoe centered on the boss
A marker appears over the players head locking in an AOE on the targets current position as it vanishes (some older fights like ucob have the aoe lock in on marker appearance)
Dynamo (in)
A Large donut shaped aoe usually the size of the arena
Earth Shaker
Tether based cone aoe which targets tethered player once it expires, some tethers can be passed between players
A set of one or more stacks on targeted players where the indicated number in each stack (typically denoted by circles within the circle) needs to have the same amount of players standing inside by the end of the cast.
AOEs that move across the platform in a straight line denoted by an arrow. this has spawned variations such as exalines from TOP and FRU or Exatrines in TEA
One or more players targeted to be trapped and/or immobile (usually inside of a rock or ice) until the party breaks them out by focusing damage on the goal.
Limit Cut
Describes any mechanic with the numbers 1-8 appearing above players heads to denote mechanic order.
Mario Kart
Describes a strat which results in players running around the arena clockwise or anti-clockwise
a cone shaped aoe baited on a player usually originating from the boss