The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden
These strats are sourced from the video by Hector Hectorson Linked below:

Phase 1
The boss begins channelling a cone attack and two line stacks on the healers, Group one stacks left, group two stacks right.
To see where the cone will be targeted look for where the green and black floor pattern is being sucked towards the boss
below is an example from hectors video:
Prosecution of war
Tank buster which leaves a lingering debuff, Swap or invuln
Divide and Conquer
The boss will hit each person once with a beam, it will then lock in that position and fire a second beam a couple of seconds later. Each player can only be hit by one beam
Spread out according to the image from Hector below and be prepared to move once you are hit:
In this phase there is two small platforms each with a small purple gravity well which will allow the player to hover/stop hovering when touched depending on their current state
First set of towers
All players must be hovering at the start.
The boss will chanel two half room cleaves, look at the animation to determine which side is first and move to the other. Group one will deal with the left towers, Group two will deal with the right towers.
Once your groups side is cleaved you must use the gravity well to stop hovering and take your assigned tower, shown by the image from Hector below:
Second Set of towers
for this mechanic you must solve the following for each side
- One tether which fires a cleave
- One Targeted AOE
- Two Towers
The two tower players will the the only players without a marker, they must determine between themselves to take either the north or south tower. Position the mechanics as shown in the image below from Hector to resolve them: